Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Ten things I really should be telling myself more often

1. A promise is a promise, no matter whom you make it to. Promises were meant to be kept, not broken, which is why they even exist. If you can't keep your promises it's better that you don't make any at all.

2. You're 18 years old, for fuck's sake. You'll be 19 in a few months and you won't get any younger. Pretty soon the happy bubble you live in will be gone forever and the next thing you know you'll be thrust into a world where no one will take you seriously if you don't prove yourself. Better man up.

3. Nobody ever did shit lying down, so if you want something done, you'd better get off your ass and get your head in the game.

4. The mainstream is overrated. Just because you don't live like everyone else doesn't mean you're automatically a bad person. Learn to love yourself for who you are.

5. Your best is never good enough. Even if you think it is, it's not. You are not the best writer, the best speaker, the best reader, the best artist, the best student, the best friend, the best son, the best ANYTHING. Because for every good man there is always someone better, and if you want to make your way up top, you'd better be prepared to climb a very steep hill.

6. No one is immortal. We all die sooner or later so we'd better not test the hands of fate.

7. Love is not a contest. If she doesn't come, then it only means it's not yet time and you're going to have to wait. In the meantime, why don't you grow up a lot? Patience is a virtue, and so is maturity.

8. You don't learn to think on your feet and the world will eat you alive.

9. Shit happens and when you're down, there's really no where else to go but up. Ranting and crying may be healthy but other than that they're useless and immature. Cry hard, work harder, and maybe one day you'll get what you want.

10. Your homework's not gonna do itself.

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