Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I've just realized

I need time to think. Think things over.

I have absolutely no idea about anything. About what I feel. For you.

I honestly don't know what love is supposed to feel like. They say it's different for everybody, you know? Funny. I might be in love and I don't know it.

Is what I'm feeling, THAT feeling? Something more, something less? Do I only see you as a really, REALLY great friend that I care very deeply about? Or do I see you as the person I've been waiting for, all my life? Am I there yet? Or just somewhere in between?

Is the jealousy I feel when you talk about... HIM... a manifestation of actual love? Or is it just an offshoot of my possessiveness?

I wouldn't know. I honestly won't.

Which is why I need time to assess myself. Is this love? Or just infatuation?

Whatever it is, I'll definitely sleep on it.

And hopefully, sooner, rather than later, I'll know.